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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry


13th May 2024
On Sunday 12th May, the children from St Patrick’s and St Paul’s celebrated...
13th May 2024
Last week our children took part in the NSPCC's Talk PANTS Fortnight in school. ...
13th May 2024
The children have been patiently waiting to see if any of the cocoons have broken...
10th May 2024
Congratulations to all our Confirmandi who were so wonderful at their Confirmation....
10th May 2024
Congratulations to our wonderful star pupils this week.
9th May 2024
Today we were practicing our running skills in preparation for Sports Day 2024! Miss...
9th May 2024
This week in school the children have been learning about the PANTS from NSPCC and...
9th May 2024
Mr Flanagan’s class used cubes to build given shapes and measure their volume. 
8th May 2024
Following on from our walk last week, we completed some lovely art pieces on cherry...
3rd May 2024
Room 2 got excited today with the start of the cocoons!