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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

News - P5 Mr Trainor

2020/2021 School Year

10th Dec 2020
P.5 dressed up in their Christmas jumpers and hats today to celebrate St. Patrick’s...
10th Dec 2020
As part of our Handling Data Week, P.5 explored tally charts and bar graphs. We took...
27th Nov 2020
Today our Rights Respecting Steering Group announced our very worthy 'Duty Bearers...
27th Nov 2020
Our class wore festive jumpers and hats to record our Christmas carol. Don't they...
25th Nov 2020
P.5 made their own paper chains to decorate the classroom for Christmas. We carefully...
24th Nov 2020
Madeline is now a millionaire reader TWICE! She has now read 2,149,916 words! An...
19th Nov 2020
As part of Anti-Bullying Week P.5 wrote acrostic poems. We discussed the different...
16th Nov 2020
The children of St Patrick’s have used Greta Thunberg as an inspiration for...
12th Nov 2020
P.5 planted daffodil and tulip bulbs today! They dug and weeded the flower bed and...
10th Nov 2020
Congratulations to Madeline who became a millionaire reader! She has read 1,748,921...