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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

This Week at a Glance - 20th Novemeber 2023

19th Nov 2023
This week we are focusing on staying safe on our roads, especially walking to and from school. Last year all children were given a Hi Vis vest as part of our commitment to keeping our children safe. Please ensure your child wears this to school everyday now that we are into the darker weather. We are continuing to work with Dave from Sustrans, who very kindly brought some prizes to be given to those children who make a really good effort to be bright and easily seen whilst wearing their school uniform. Friday is 'Ditch the Dark Day' so we will be looking for a winner in each class!

P.7 SEAG Paper 2
Good luck to those P.7 pupils completing the second SEAG paper this Saturday morning! All of our P.7 children have been working extremely hard! Keep this up children, there isn't long to go now!

Samaritans Purse Shoe Box Appeal
The volunteers collected a massive 138 beautifully wrapped shoe boxes on Friday. The shoe boxes will be making their way to Ukranine, Bosnia and Romania in the coming days. Sincere thanks for your generosity! These will make a massive difference to so many children over the Christmas period!

Progress Tests
The progress tests will go home on Monday for you to go through with your children. Please take time to talk to your child and please support us in helping your child overcome any gaps of learning there may be. The tests should be signed and returned on Tuesday.

Parent Teacher Meetings
Parent teacher meeting dates have been sent home. Please take note of your date and time and arrive punctually as teachers schedules have been completed and if you arrive late the teacher will not be able to see you. Please contact the school office if anything changes.

Guess the name of the Elf!
Our two P.5 post ladies found a very special delivery in the post last Monday afternoon! When Katie and Maggie were doing their usual post box check they found a letter from Santa! What excitement followed! Mrs Brown had never seen such a special letter! St Patrick's has been chosen by Santa to receive a special elf! Special lists were already in children's folders, and I am afraid we don't know much more than this, other than the children have been set the challenge to guess his name! We have one clue, it's a boy's name beginning with the letter 'E' ! Santa has left a message that all lists should be back by Wednesday 29th November! The child who guesses the name will win Santa's elf and an amazing Christmas Hamper! Good luck everyone!

P.6CC Prayer Service for Families
Families of Mrs Clarke's P.6 class are invited to attend a special class prayer service on Frdiay 24th November at 1:15pm.

Please read this week's Week at a Glance to see what else is going on in our school this week.