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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Seesaw and IXL (Article 18)

9th Oct 2020

Article 18: 'Parents should always consider what is best for their child'.

Congratulations to all parents who have got children organised to use Seesaw and IXL.  From Monday 12th October Seesaw will be the main method used by teachers to communicate with pupils and parents.  Please turn on your Seesaw notifications or check your Seesaw children accounts regularly. In the event of a class bubble being sent home to self-isolate for two weeks all home learning will take place via Seesaw and be backed up by use of IXL, Lexia and Accelerated Reading.

We deliberately set homework on IXL for English and Maths last week and this week to make children who don't like it put some effort into using it. IXL was the main on-line app recommended by the Department of Education to help children 'catch-up' after the enforced school closure from March - June.

The children have done marvellous work on IXL so far this year, under your guidance, and now many of them will be able to continue this at home, with a little encouragement from you. For those children who find it frustrating when they make a mistake and are sent back down the score levels - just do as much as you can until it starts to be frustrating and then leave it!

Well done, everyone!