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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Rounding up our year in P3/4 - (Article 14) Children should choose their own thoughts and opinions. (Article 29) Children’s education should help them fully develop their personalities, talents and abilities.

18th Dec 2020

Article 14 - children should choose their own thoughts and opinions. Article 29 - Children’s education should help them fully develop their personalities, talents and abilities.

Mrs O’Hare’s class have had a busy last term and have fitted in lots of learning. Here are a few things that we have been doing on top of our day to day literacy and numeracy work. We did a lot of work on anti bullying, looking at what is bullying and what is unacceptable behaviour as there is a difference. Bullying is repeated behaviour targeted directly at someone and happens regularly. It is very different from falling out with a friend or saying something because we are angry. This normally blows over but bullying continues. We’re very lucky in St.Patricks as proper bullying very rarely occurs. Sometimes we say or do something that isn’t nice but we always say sorry and try not to do it again. This years message was ‘United Against Bullying.’ This also ties in with our class motto which was inspired by the Kul Camp and the Be Kind message. ‘Give respect, Get Respect and be Kind. Very simple yet powerful. We learned childline’s phone number 0800 11 11. We wore odd socks to show how different we all are. The same in many ways but different also.

P3/4 did some work on filling up each other’s buckets. We read the story ‘Have you filled a Bucket today? By Carol McCloud. We want to be bucket fillers not bucket dippers. We all chose someone in our class and said something nice about them. I was so impressed with all the lovely comments that we made a display. The smile on the persons face when they filled each other’s buckets. Hopefully this will help our self esteem and make us feel good about ourselves. We had a Christmas movie day. James did a very kind thing. He brought in sweets for anyone that forgot there’s and happily shared them around. Thank you James’ a lovely kind thought. As we were learning our Christmas song we looked up Matthew’s Daddy who is a former pupil of our school, a local musician, singer and songwriter. Maybe sometime next year he could talk to us about his music. We listened to some of his fantastic songs that we wrote and recorded.