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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Finishing off the Year

20th Dec 2021

Primary 3 and 4 pupils have been learning what to do during anti bullying week. The theme this year was ’One Kind Word.’ It was lovely to hear all the lovely positive comments about each other. We started off by celebrating how we are all different, unique and special. We did this by wearing odd socks. The children also took part in the NSPCC’s Speak Out Stay Safe Campaign. They watched an online assembly and listened to important information on how to keep safe and what to do if they didn’t feel safe and who they can tell at home and school if they feel worried. The boys and girls were on first name terms with the PSNI who came and spoke about keeping safe also. Lots of good discussion and work completed. The Kindness song was very catchy and sang from the roof top along with some dance moves to go along with the song.