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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

P3/4 Celebrating World Smile Day

4th Oct 2021

Primary 3&4 love to smile everyday, especially today as we celebrate national smile day. We discussed all the lovely things that make us smile. The list was endless; hugs from mum/dad, jokes, fun with our friends, play time, tickles, ice cream and sweets. One of our kind pupils brought in sweets for everyone today, that most definitely made everyone smile. Thank you Cara. The boys and girls drew beautiful smily faces and made cards to thank their families for making them smile. 

For the past few weeks We’ve been working on our feelings and discussing how we are feeling and the things that make us feel like that, as well as what we can do to when we are feeling that way. We’ve played games, listened to stories and acted out scenarios with our feeling puppets. We have learned that it’s ok to experience all sorts of feelings and that it is a good thing but if we feel sad for a long time we must talk to someone in school or at home that we trust. Looking after our mental health is very important. PE and exercise, healthy eating, family, laughter and fun with friends and family to keep us smiling.