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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Internet Safety Day and Paddington’s Adventures

12th Feb 2021

Article 16 - Every child has the right to Privacy. 

Article 17 - Every child has the right to access information from the media.

Room 2 were busy learning about a number of rights this week in their lessons. As we are a Rights Respecting School our aim is to teach the children their rights through activities which link to the curriculum.

Tuesday 9th February was 'Internet Safety Day' and the whole school focused on promoting keeping safe when online. This is especially important in current circumstances when teaching is online to support home learning. Children in Room 2 watched a few clips to promote safety while online, then the children recorded themselves telling the teachers what they learned. Some were very shy and only sent a voice recording which is perfectly acceptable!

Paddington Bear was on another adventure to Jordan. He sent the children a postcard explaining how UNICEF helps give coats, scarves and warm clothes to children who live in tents and can’t afford to buy them.  This is one of the many things UNICEF does to support children in need and help them to receive their rights.

Our children had to draw and label pictures of things to keep them warm. 

Have a look at some of the lovely work on the above activities.