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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Home Learning Schedule

23rd Mar 2020

As you begin home-learning, a little structure to your family's day may be beneficial for the weeks ahead. Take a look at some examples of home-learning schedules which you might like to follow.

One of our P7 girls spent her first day of home-learning creating her very own schedule, timetabling important apps such as IXL, Purple Mash, Accelerated Reading and PE.

Please remember to take things slowly and don't put pressure on yourselves. Whatever work you get done in the days ahead is a bonus. The priority is to wash your hands, socially distance and stay home.

Your child can log in to See-Saw for daily activities posted by your class teacher.

You will find ALL our recommended activities at:

And, all our recommended websites for across the curriculum can be found at:

Good luck, stay home and stay safe.