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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Easter fun in Primary 1! Articles 30 & 31

30th Mar 2021

Article 30- every child has the right to learn about their religion. Article 31- every child has the right to rest, play and enjoy culture and arts. 

Primary 1 have had great fun today! Fantastic Easter hats and bows arrived this morning with great excitement- such creative families we have! We also made little Easter Hats in school too. We had a lovely short assembly outside in the sun with the rest of the primary 1's and 2's where we got to see everyone else's styles! Thank you all so much for your kind donations to Trocaire. We raised over £100 in our class! Your generosity is most appreciated!

We enjoyed a lovely Easter story today called “We’re going on an Egg Hunt,” it's very similar to the book called "We're going on a bear hunt" and the children  all enjoyed joining in with the repetitive rhymes. There was even time to have an egg hunt of our own around our outdoor classroom! The tasty treats were eaten at lunchtime as they just couldn't wait to bring them home.

Hooray for Easter Day!