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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Celebrating St Gerard Majella Novena

23rd Oct 2023

The boys and girls of P3/4 have been celebrating the feast day of St Gerard Majella last week. The class took part in their own 9 day novena which took place in St. Joseph's Redemptorists Church, Dundalk. The children learnt about the short life of St Gerard, said prayers, sang songs, wrote petitions and thanksgivings, as well as watching the mass on webcam some of the days. Some of the pupils went to the novena in Dundalk. St Gerard is recognised as patron of mothers, babies and children. The boys and girls are thankful for the good things in their life. The petitions were all brought to the novena and placed on the altar.