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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Bambinelli Sunday

19th Dec 2023

Thank you to all our families who came out to mass on Sunday morning to celebrate the annual Bambinelli Sunday. Thank you for bringing your baby Jesus from your crib at home. It was lovely to see a packed chapel of our children with their families. P4-7 said the prayers of the faithful and the gifts were brought up by Ella and her siblings. It was lovely to see the boys and girls going up to get their baby Jesus blessed. Thank you to Deacon Gerry and Father Byrne for a lovely mass and beautiful singing lead by Ellen Kelly. Of course the sweets at the end of mass were a lovely treat. 

Bambinelli Sunday is celebrated on the third Sunday of advent. On that day, children gather with their families and bring the baby Jesus from their crib at home. This tradition started at the Basilica in Rome, where the pope blesses the baby Jesus (Bambinelli). This is celebrated another churches around the world. This tradition is a way for children to connect their nativity scene at home to the celebration of Christmas at their church.