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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Anti-Bullying Week

9th Nov 2018

St. Patrick's P.S. is a fully inclusive school and all our children are encouraged and supported to reach their full potential. Anti-Bullying week, which runs from 12th - 16th November 2018, is a great opportunity to reinforce the messages about how our school approaches bullying behaviours. 

In short, bullying will not be tolerated in our school.

Our P.6 and P.7 School Council members went to St Paul's High School in September and were trained as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. On Friday 9th November and on Friday 26th October they presented 'Anti-Bullying' assemblies for all pupils where the messages were simple but clear.

The theme for this year is RESPECT. 

Activities which will take place in the week ahead include:

an Anti-Bullying debate (P.6 / P.7);

a 'Compliment Day' in which every member of the school community will receive a compliment from someone else;

a 'Drop Everything and Dance' session which will help everyone to focus on happy and positive messages;

a 'World Around Us' lesson where pupils will identify five people they can turn to in school for help in any situation (bullying or other).  They will draw around their hand and write the names of these people on each digit.

REMEMBER: - we don't have to be best friends or always agree with each other, but we do have to RESPECT each other.