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St Patrick’s (Ballymaghery) School 13 Castlewellan Road Newry

Anti-Bullying Week

17th Nov 2018

This week was Anti-Bullying week, the theme this year was r-e-s-p-e-c-t. The children in room 2 covered many activities to link awareness of the theme. Every morning we began with one of the respect songs from last weeks assembly. During the week we dropped everything and danced to encourage happiness, we named 4-5 people the children can turn to if they are getting bullied and recorded them on each finger of a hand. We focused a day on giving compliments to each other, P1 completed this through circle time and it would have made you cry/warmed your heart to hear the lovely things they said to the child in the circle ❤️. We watched Sesame Strret Respect and a few other clips to explain and demonstrate how respect can be displayed to each other. Finally P2 coloured odds socks to demonstrate how we are different but yet equal (some wore odd socks throughout the week) and P1 got their photo taken displaying the 'wear yellow board to show respect' promoted by NI Anti-Bullying Forum. P7 joined us on Wednesday and they watched clips of respect in sport It was an eventful and very interesting week in Room 2.